frequently asked questions

a sample faq post that attempts to answer some of your curiosities about the project technologies and decisions

Aug 10, 2022

journal x kelly sikkema
journal x kelly sikkema

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Can I use this to build my own blog?

Absolutely! Just keep in mind that Nuxt 3 is still in a work in progress, and is currently available as a release candidate. For smaller, personal projects, I'd recommend it. However, the team is continually making updates, which you can read about on their roadmap.

What is Nuxt anyway?

Nuxt is a web application framework that is built on top of VueJs. In my humble opinion, both technologies are <air-quotes> relatively simple </air-quotes> to learn, and have a lot to offer.

Why doesn't this project come with more components?

That's up to you to build. Check out docs on Vue 3 components for more direction on how to get started.

How do I get started?

Visit the GitHub repo for instructions. TLDR — clone the repo, install dependencies, run npm run dev, and visit localhost:3000.

Why isn't hot module reloading working for me?

No clue, I'm running into the same issue. 🤷‍♂️

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