this project explained

welcome to the ramblings starter kit. this is a basic, personal blog type of project that anyone can use to start their own publication.

Aug 12, 2022

pencils x khaleelah ajibola
pencils x khaleelah ajibola


I wanted to write again. This time, with less focus on platform, metrics, and overhead. And instead of revamping an old project or spinning up and hacking on top of some static-gen site build, I decided to learn some of the latest that's been happening in the world of Nuxt, particularly w/ their @nuxt/content module.

the result

For the most part, the project setup is very minimal, with the intent that consumers have the flexibility to overwrite project decisions with their own architectural or code-style choices.

Please check the ramblings nuxt blog starter repo on GitHub for instructions on how to get started.

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